Search for Recycle Bin and click the top result to open the experience.To empty the Recycle Bin on Windows 10, use these steps: However, over time, the bin can grow in size, wasting a lot of space, which means that emptying the files no longer needed should be among the first things you should do to reclaim some of the storage back.
Instead, they’re sent to the Recycle Bin in case you need to get them back. While it may be obvious, when you delete most files, they’re not immediately erased from the hard drive. In this Windows 10 guide, we’ll walk you through several tips to free up storage space on your computer to make room to store more files and install feature updates without issues. Using these tools will not only help to free up space to store more important files, but it’ll improve performance and reduce the chances of problems as you install updates. If your device is running low on space, Windows 10 includes several features and options to clean up unnecessary and temporary files as well as apps and games to optimize the storage. Before you know it, you start noticing slow performance and problems installing new versions of Windows 10. Although nowadays hard drives come in multi-terabyte options, it doesn’t take a lot of time until we fill them up with tons of files, pictures, videos, apps, and games.